We collaborate with you to select the perfect cruise line, destinations, and dates that best suit your group. From there, we work directly with the cruise line to coordinate any additional needs such as special events, meet-ups, meetings, conferences, or shows.
Our expertise allows us to secure the best value by tapping into available promotions, exclusive deals, free amenities, and group rates. Our goal is to ensure your group receives everything they need to make the trip truly special while maximizing value.
Pro Tip: Plan the major details with your key guests before sending out the broader invitation. Involving too many people in the decision-making process can make it more difficult to finalize plans.
Whether your group consists of family, friends, coworkers, or social clubs, we make inviting them easy and appealing. We create a detailed, interactive cruise sheet with all the information your guests need, including ship details, travel dates, activities, and group pricing. For larger groups, we can even design fully customizable web pages.
You can send out the invitations yourself, or we can handle it on your behalf. Rest assured, we respect your guests’ time and won’t pressure anyone with unwanted phone calls.
Pro Tip: For larger groups, we can host an information session at our agency to go over the cruise details and answer any questions your guests may have.
We offer flexibility in how your group books their cabins. You can either oversee the bookings yourself, or we can work directly with each guest to make their reservations. In most cases, we recommend allowing individuals to book on their own to keep you from being caught in the middle of the process. Our cruise sheet gives guests all the details they need to make informed decisions and book independently if they choose, or they can reach out to us for assistance.
We ensure that everyone gets the cabin they want and the perks they need, while handling all inquiries, so you don’t have to spend time contacting the cruise line.
Pro Tip: Unless you're covering the cost for the entire group, let us handle the bookings. We’ll review their options, set up payment plans or reminders, and address any questions, so you can avoid any awkward conversations.
This is where the real value of having a travel agent comes in. It’s often the unexpected details that can disrupt a cruise and cause unnecessary stress. From last-minute questions and changes to unforeseen events (like pandemics), we’ve seen it all and are ready to step in when needed.
This is particularly important for group travel because the last thing you want is to be managing issues for your entire group. As your dedicated group coordinator, we take care of everything directly with your guests, so you can enjoy a hassle-free experience.
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© 2021, LoveDees, LLC, an independently owned Cruise Planners franchise.